I created this collage of the cabin that we stay in at Lake Okoboji every year. One of my husband’s relatives built it and gathering at the lake has been a tradition in his family for many years.
Author: admin
Self Portrait Assignment
My realistic self portrait for the second assignment in my art class.
An abstract self portrait.
A nonobjective self portrait.
The original photograph that the first three images are based off of.
These three images were completed for the shape and color project for my art class. The first is supposed to look the most like the original photograph, the second should still look like a face, and the third should be related but should no longer resemble a face. In mine, it looks like stained glass with just my hair framing a face. The first two images are acrylic on canvas. The third is a combination of an images created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Principles of Organization Project
These are the images that I turned in for the first project in my art class this semester. They are examples of the principle of: